Thursday 26 October 2017


The Mona Lisa a painting shrouded in mystery, many believe there is a hidden painting behind Lisa Giocondo who is the woman in the painting.

What is behind the that sly smile on her face what is she hiding.

Mona Lisa's secret has been debated for many centuries. The painting has survived for 500 years after Leonardo Da Vinci died. But the conspiracy theories about Mona Lisa and the secret clues in it have caught on after the  'Da Vinci Code' was published. This best selling historical fiction novel raised a lot of controversial questions about the identity of Mona Lisa and the secret of her smile. Here are some of the hottest conspiracy theories that have been propounded upon the Mona Lisa.

The Mysterious Smile Most people find Mona Lisa's smile very mysterious. She seems to be smiling and yet her eyes are sad. It is the smile that led the conspiracy theorist to deduce that there are secret clues in the Mona Lisa.

Mona Lisa's tummy does have hint of a baby bump and she is sitting with her hands folded to hide it. And the original Lisa del Giocondo was indeed pregnant with her second child when she was painted!

Some theorists have found the stature of Mona Lisa overtly manly. The fact that she has no hint of bosom has led many people to believe that Mona Lisa was actually a  man.

There are many theories but these are just a few of what many men and women scientist and normal people believe.

Monday 29 May 2017

My Mihi

Tēnā koutou katoa, Ko Te Mata te maunga – My mountain is… Te Mata Ko TukiTuki te awa – My river is… TukiTuki Ko Halle taku ingoa – My name is… Halle Ko Havelock North Intermediate taku kura – My school is… Havelock North Intermediate Nō Hastings ahau – I am from… Hastings Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa. Therefore, greetings to you, greetings to you, greetings to us all.

Friday 12 May 2017

Makey Makey

Today we used Makey Makey and My partner and I made a piano and played fire boy and water girl using Makey Makey and tin foil.


Friday 7 April 2017

My Slide

I hope to finish it shortly once I have I will publish the finished product.

Monday 3 April 2017

The box

In the box lives a cheetah.
In the box lives a poor excuse for a dog.
In the box lives a guinea pig in warm cage.
The box is an array of animals ready for action.

In the box there is pasta.
In the box there is a stairway of pizza.
In the box there is a mountain of chocolate.
The box is a taste of heaven with sprinkles on top.

In the box there is Coldplay.
In the box there is Avicii fine tuning his music.
In the the box there is soft humming sound.
The box is a tapping beat.

In the box there are books.
In the box there are 50,000 words traveling at high speeds.
In the box there are mysteries and thrills coming at me from every angle.
The box is overdrive, letting me listen to and read books.

The box is me.

Thursday 30 March 2017

My dog

Reddish brown fur



Allergic to long grass and pollen

Has got a funny back foot

Fall asleep to Dave Dobbyn

Soft ears

The best thing in the world

Can be annoying

My Dog is the best thing in the world all though she can be annoying loud and all round silly she makes me laugh when she runs round the house and bang into things being a total nut.

When we were taking her home she was whining and crying so we put on Dave Dobbyn and she fell asleep,my brother and I sat in the car with her crate in the middle of the car and we were feeling how soft her ears are, they feel like velvet and she has reddish brown fur covering her like a blanket and greeny brown eyes.

My dog has a couple of problems India has a funny back foot that she has had from birth and an allergy to long grass and pollen which makes her skin really itchy.

My dog can be silly and annoying but she is the cutest dog in the world.

Wednesday 29 March 2017

Maths Measurement

We have not quite finished this but is nearly complete

What I am Grateful for

I am Grateful for having a loving and caring Family.

I am Grateful for the freedom that I have.

I am Grateful for peace and happiness that I have.

Friday 17 March 2017



Here are some instruments that are part of the percussion

The ashiko is a drum, shaped like a tapered cylinder with the head on the wide end, and the narrow end open. It is made of hardwood and generally has a goatskin hide. It is played with the hands, and tuned by ropes. Ashiko drums – or variants thereof – are traditionally found in West Africa, as well as part of the Americas.

The Basler drum is a two-headed rope-tension drum. It takes its name from its origin in Basel. This percussion instrument is best known from the Carnival of Basel, where it is played by more than 2000 drummers. They are called Tambouren in Swiss German or Tambourins in French. There is no typical number of players for marching-bands including this instrument. Anything between three and fifty drummers may be seen in such a formation.

Cymbals are a common percussion instrument. Cymbals consist of thin, normally round plates of various alloys; see cymbal making for a discussion of their manufacture. The majority of cymbals are of indefinite pitch, although small disc-shaped cymbals based on ancient designs sound a definite note. Cymbals are used in many ensembles ranging from the orchestra, percussion ensembles, jazz bands, heavy metal bands, and marching groups.

A djembe is a rope-tuned skin-covered goblet drum played with bare hands, originally from West Africa. According to the Bambara people in Mali, the name of the djembe comes from the saying "Anke djé, anke bé" which translates to "everyone gather together in peace" and defines the drum's purpose.

Tuesday 28 February 2017

Facts about eels

There are over 400 species of eel.

Eels live in both saltwater and freshwater.

Even though the eel looks like a snake it is really a fish. They have long, narrow bodies with long dorsal and anal fins.
 Most eels have no scales.
 The eel’s backbone is made up of over 100 vertebrae which makes it very flexible.

Eels have gills and very sharp teeth.

Most eels hide and live in caves and rock crevices. They also burrow in the sand. These behaviors allow them to surprise and attack their prey. 

Some eels will actually chase their prey. The rocks also provide protection for the eel.

Some species of eels travel up to 4,000 miles to breed. This journey can take the eel over seven months to finish. While on the journey, the eel doesn’t eat.

After the eel breeds, it dies. It takes a young eel three years to become an adult.

Friday 25 November 2016

This Week in Room 11

This Week in Room 11 we have started literacy circles I am in the group with Olivia,Imogen,Ashlee,Liberty,Jess and myself. The book we are reading is called Ride of the Katipo

Monday 21 November 2016

Summary of Rata and Totara

Rata wanted to cut down a tree from Tanemahuta forest without his consent.

He found a tree and cut it down he went home and the birds put the tree back in place he came back the next day to see that the tree was not on the ground where he had cut it down.

So he cuts it down again and starts to carve the waka out of the then heads home the birds and insects put the tree back up he comes and the tree is back in its original place.

Then it happened again except he did not go home and he grabbed a fantail and asks what are you doing.

Fantail says you did not ask Tanemahuta for consent.

Then he realized he had not asked for consent then Tanemahuta gave him Tikanga (Permission)  Rata thanked Tanemahuta the birds finished his waka and they were all happy.

Friday 18 November 2016

The Moment I Will Never Forget

Here is a piece of writing that is nearly complete.

One early Saturday morning I was fast asleep in my cozy pile of a bed when the door was flung open and in came Inka. She plopped her furry body on top my legs sat there and holding my gaze unflinchingly then my brain must have got into gear it was my first game of hockey yay.

We arrived at Hastings Boys High and I jogged over to the astro where I saw Steve my coach and Haumoana holy moly they were organised shooting like the black sticks with  balls glued to the stick and dribbled around the cones set up and ran hard at the goal slam I came back to reality.

Now the game plan is Jorja left wing Halle center forward Fleur right wing. Martine mid field Abbie defence with someone who I forgot whoops. Allright girls just try and get some goals and help each other out Steve whispered. He nodded at me 1,2,3 Strawberries we yelled at the top of our lungs.

Out on the pitch it was like you were in Finland in winter but we had to deal with it and running will warm us up.

The whistle blew and I passed it to Jorja who passed it to me I swung my stick to hit the ball but in came Lily who whisked the ball away I chased but Steve yelled “Halle move up move up”  so I moved up but as I did Lily scored 1-0.

Friday 11 November 2016

What I have been up to

This week I have been working on the production lights up in the sound box it is very fun working with Anja Jai and Rani plus Marc. Big thanks Mrs Eager and Marc for supplying some of the equipment. I have learnt so much working with all of you

Monday 7 November 2016

Ko wai te toa/ Who is the winner

Here are some sentences we made saying what sports we like to play

He pai ki au te tenehi.

He pai ki au te meke poro.

He pai au te hoki.

1 I like to play tennis

2 I like to play volleyball

3 I like to play hockey

Thursday 27 October 2016

Friday 14 October 2016

My Homework

This week for homework we had to write a report on the Water Cycle

The Water Cycle

How has the water cycle continued to fulfill  the earth with a good stable water supply.

What water is made of.

You may know that water's chemical composition is H20. A water molecule contains 2 hydrogen (H) atoms and 1 oxygen (O) atom.
One molecule of water in your glass won't quench your thirst, though. You need LOTS of water molecules, trillions of them. At normal temperatures all those individual water molecules like to stick together and form a liquid (the water in your glass).
Because of the way that the hydrogen and oxygen atoms exist in a water molecule, one water molecule is attracted to another water molecule. The opposite sides of a water molecule stick to each other just as opposite sides (poles) of magnets do.
Like a magnet, one side of the water molecule (the side with the oxygen atom) has a negative electrical charge while the other side, where the hydrogen atoms sit, has a positive charge. Since opposite charges attract each other, water molecules attract each other. So much so that when trillions of them get together, they often start sticking to each other and, thus, you have liquid water.

Transpiration is the process of water movement through a plant and its evaporation from aerial parts, such as leaves, stems and flowers. ... Leaf surfaces are dotted with pores called stomata, and in most plants they are more numerous on the undersides of the foliage.

The Next stage is


For the water cycle to work, water has to get from the Earth's surface back up into the skies so it can rain back down and ruin your parade or water your crops or yard. It is the invisible process of evaporation that changes liquid and frozen water into water-vapor gas, which then floats up into the skies to become clouds.

As usual, you can thank the sun for keeping evaporation going. The sun's energy breaks the bonds that hold liquid water molecules together. Thus, it makes sense that water evaporates more easily in hot conditions, such as in the desert, rather than on a cloudy winter day.

The amount of water vapor in the air is known as "humidity", often mentioned in the weather reports on the local news. When warm air containing a lot of water vapor (high humidity) moves into colder temperatures (either high in the atmosphere or even on the outside of your glass of iced tea), the colder temperatures cause water vapor to condense  into a liquid. The colder temperatures cause water vapor to condense into water droplets and can result in fog.

The Next stage is condensation

All air contains water molecules in the form of water vapor, which is invisible. Since the water cycle is all about water changing forms all the time, how does the water vapor turn from a gas back into a liquid and become rain?

The word is "condensation". Water vapor gas condenses back into liquid water and ice, which you mainly see as clouds and then as rain and snow.

Condensation happens because of temperature changes. Warmer air can contain more water vapor than colder air, so when air rises up from the heated earth's surface high into the sky (warm air rises, of course), to where the temperatures are much colder, condensation happens. Some of the water vapor in the cold air high in the sky just cannot stay a gas, and condenses into tiny liquid water droplets—the clouds you see every day. Give it time, the liquid water comes down as rain.

Another important part is The Sun

The real boss of the water cycle doesn't even live here on Earth. The sun is what makes the water cycle work. The sun provides what almost everything on Earth needs to go—energy, or heat.

The sun is so big that even at over 90 million miles you can feel its heat. The sun's energy affects water at its smallest level - the molecular level. Liquid water contains water molecules stuck together. The energy from the sun can break apart these tightly-held molecules into much smaller sets of water molecules, which results in tiny water vapor particles, an invisible gas. This process allows liquid water to evaporate into water vapor, which in the main way water gets from the land surface and oceans back into the sky.
The sun also participates in moving water around the Earth. Different parts of the world (and even your neighborhood) are heated to different levels by the sun, and unequal heating and cooling of parts of the landscape causes air to move around from here to there—the winds. You know that the winds move clouds and the weather all over the place; all of this mixing up and moving is an important part of the water cycle.

Another important part is Runoff

Runoff is nothing more than water "running off" the land surface. Just as the water you wash your car with runs off down the driveway as you work, the rain that Mother Nature covers the landscape with runs off downhill, too (due to gravity).
Even though some rainfall soaks into the ground, most of it flows over the land surface, going downhill. This runoff water reaches rivers, lakes, and the oceans, keeping the water cycle going.

Runoff is also important because as it flows over the land, some of it soaks into the ground, thus "recharging" groundwater, providing plants with water for their roots to take up so they can create the delicious beets and spinach you like so much, and keeps underground aquifers (areas underground full of water) full so people can drill a well and pull the water out for their own purposes.

And this is how the water cycle has continued for millions of years and if we can help the environment it will continue to sustain us for the years up coming.

By Halle

Tuesday 20 September 2016

Today I finished my light here is what it looks like

I had a lot of fun with Mrs Houghton.

Can't wait for next year!!!
Displaying Rm 11 005.JPG

Thursday 11 August 2016

Parliament Committee

Card 5
Should we have an extra hour of school each day?

I reckon if we should lengthen our school day These are our reasons

I think if we make school days longer we should not have to do homework and we should make lunch and morning tea longer and have longer subjects.

My second reason is we can get more education and we can learn more in a longer length of time or fit more P.E time. Another reason is that our parents can work longer and earn more money so they can pay for our education and pay off the morgage on the house if you have one.

Even though there are good things having an extra hour, there are also bad things. like sport would either be shorter or go later into the night.

By the awesome Makenzie and the Amazing Olivia and Halle

Tuesday 2 August 2016

My van

In term 2 we did materials and design and we made a van this is my finished van.


First day at Electronics

Before an Emergency we should.

1 Make a household Emergency plan.

2 Have a Emergency survival items

3 Have a getaway kit.

My family would need 36 liters of water for three days.

I need a torch at electronics design and make an emergency light.

Thursday 7 July 2016

My Term Highlight

My highlight of this term is having Mrs Lovatt for a whole week YAY!!!!!!!!!

Another highlight is that I have done well in my hockey.

Friday 20 May 2016

My rap

This is my rap for my week three homework.

Grapes oranges mandarines to they are good for you.
Exercise once a day and it will send you on your way.


Friday 13 May 2016

Persuasive balloon selling

Are you tired and lonely? Do want a best friend that won’t betray you?

Then buy this floating friend today.

The creamy white colour will blow your mind. This is the colour of freindship, pure awesomeness and dreams. The curly red string repsents love and compassion and so won’t let go.

Design a face to to show its emotions. Change it every minute because guess it is earsable…….. So cool.

So many uses….. You could…… fly away with your dreams, talk out all your problems, remind that you have to make some tacos it could also be a bopper for a game of shush, you could rub the balloon till your siblings pop. They possibility are endless.

Save someones life by pumping the air of your floating friend to save the life of a nice kind awsome cititen of this world.

Call 0800 floating freinds for only 29.99 or 49.99 for two. Hurry before the all pop.!

Floating friends the only friend your ever need

Friday 6 May 2016

My Holiday Recount

It was a typical Friday morning and I was going to have one of my friends round.

“Today is going to be a great day” But I was wrong.

The first thing that went wrong was I had to help collect my brothers weights and I was nearly squashed by the bench and the dog that the owners had.The dogs name Buddy. Buddy had long white coat and super playful what a cute dog until he sat on me. “Ouch get off me you big ball of fur”

The second thing that went wrong was when my friend was round I stained a bowl and my rubbish bin and It took 30 minutes to get out of the bowl and another 30 minutes to get out of the rubbish bin. “I am tired can I go to bed”

The third thing that went wrong was when I smashed a glass and my mum had just cleaned the kitchen floor so she had to do it again. “Oh no not again”

So in a summary it was the worst day ever and I felt terrible and tried so I went to bed.

“I hope tomorrow is going to be better.”